To increase the publicity of our business again, as people may have forgot about us over the Christmas holidays, we came up with the idea of creating a display board to go in the student reception. Using our teachers boards, which he uses for Duke Of Edinburgh (which some of us participate in), we had a lot of space to fill with pictures and information about S.O.N. They could also pre-order our product by filling in a form, which would help both them and us. This display board would be manned at break and lunch times, so that they can answer any questions and encourage people to sign the pre-order form.
Tonight we stayed after school, like every other Friday, to put together the board, by printing off pictures and captions for the board. As we did not have enough Velcro to stick it all to the board, we set out where we wanted everything to go, and then drew the layout on a piece of paper. Putting this all together took about an hour and a half, but by working together we completed it sooner than normal.
As well as this, we retook the photos of each other, and the ones we took before we not as good because of the sunlight shining in our eyes. These would be used for the display board and in the business plan.